Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space is a method of ultrasound examination of organs partially or completely not covered by the peritoneum. It is performed to visualize the organs of the retroperitoneal space: kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, lymph nodes, abdominal aorta and its branches. Ultrasound allows you to assess the location and size of organs, their structure and blood supply. It is used in the diagnosis of inflammatory and tumor processes, is used to identify structural anomalies, is prescribed for traumatic injuries, including to find the source of bleeding. Independent preparation for a routine examination is required. The final cost is affected by the scope of the study.
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Author: Artur Kh.
General Practitioner. Work experience in medicine - 7 years. I consider it necessary to constantly educate myself and improve my skills, I adhere to the principles of evidence-based medicine in my work, I am guided by the well-known rule "Do no harm". My credo in life is "If you want to do something well, do it yourself."