Abdominal ultrasound and retroperitoneal space includes examination of hollow and parenchymal organs located intraperitoneally (liver, gallbladder, spleen) and retroperitoneally (pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands). With the help of echography, it is possible to determine the location, shape and size of organs, assess their density and structure, identify diffuse changes, focal formations and pathological inclusions, functional disorders, free fluid in the abdominal cavity. In most cases, the study requires preliminary preparation. Abdominal ultrasound and retroperitoneal space is widely used as a navigation method for puncture biopsy of organs and drainage of the abdominal cavity.
Appendix ultrasound is performed if acute or chronic appendicitis is suspected. It is performed without preparation in the supine position. In the presence of clearly localized pain, the patient himself installs the sensor in the area of greatest pain. In case of pain syndrome without a clear localization, the doctor performs sonography taking into account…
Intestinal ultrasound (sonography) is an instrumental diagnostic method that detects diseases of the colon and small intestine. At the same time, areas of the gastrointestinal tract that are inaccessible with other diagnostic methods are well visualized. The method is used as part of a comprehensive examination of the intestine, is safe, painless, has no contraindications…
Spleen ultrasound is a technique for noninvasive study of the morphofunctional state of the spleen using ultrasound waves. Echographic imaging of the spleen can be performed as part of a comprehensive ultrasound of the abdominal organs or as an independent diagnostic procedure. The purpose of the diagnosis is to determine the topographic and anatomical characteristics…
Pancreatic ultrasound is usually included in the general set of studies. As a rule, this also involves the diagnosis of other organs of the hepatobiliary zone (ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, etc.). When may a pancreatic ultrasound be needed? if a person has signs of a certain lesion; in the presence of laboratory data…
Ultrasound of the liver is a diagnostic study that visualizes the structure of the liver, hepatic vessels, gallbladder, bile ducts. It is used as part of a comprehensive diagnosis, reveals signs of hepatitis, steatohepatosis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, Budd-Chiari disease, liver metastases and neoplasms. There are several options for the procedure: liver ultrasound, liver ultrasound +…
Adrenal gland ultrasound is a diagnostic method that visualizes paired adrenal glands: their size, location, tissue structure, contour features, the presence of tumor and other formations. The study is informative in the diagnosis of cancer, aldosteromas, adenomas, cysts, hyperplasia. The procedure is carried out through lateral and anterior accesses. The main ultrasound mode is two-dimensional…
Gallbladder ultrasound helps to diagnose cholangitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract, gallstone disease, parasitic diseases, developmental abnormalities (agenesis, dysplasia, diverticula of the gallbladder, atresia of the bile ducts, etc.). During the study, the size of the organ, the thickness of its walls, the consistency of the contents, the architectonics of extrahepatic bile…
Stomach Ultrasound is prescribed, with specific indications. However, the main reason for such an ultrasound examination is any kind of discomfort in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. This kind of echography helps to determine pathologies in the digestive organs. Most often, such a diagnosis is enough at the first stage with a history…
Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space is a method of ultrasound examination of organs partially or completely not covered by the peritoneum. It is performed to visualize the organs of the retroperitoneal space: kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, lymph nodes, abdominal aorta and its branches. Ultrasound allows you to assess the location and size of organs, their…
Abdominal ultrasound is a complex diagnostic procedure in which the liver, gallbladder and its ducts, pancreas, spleen, vessels are visualized. The study makes it possible to identify neoplasms, inflammatory diseases, concretions, cysts, and the consequences of injuries. It is performed in B-mode, additionally, Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels is performed. Together with ultrasound of the abdominal organs,…