Hereditary diseases are a large group of human diseases caused by pathological changes in the genetic apparatus. Currently, more than 6 thousand syndromes with a hereditary transmission mechanism are known, and their total frequency in the population ranges from 0.2 to 4%. Some genetic diseases have a certain ethnic and geographical prevalence, while others occur with the same frequency all over the world. The study of hereditary diseases is mainly in the competence of medical genetics, but almost any medical specialists can face such a pathology: pediatricians, neurologists, endocrinologists, hematologists, therapists, etc.

Hereditary diseases should be distinguished from congenital and familial pathology. Congenital diseases can be caused not only by genetic, but also by unfavorable exogenous factors affecting the developing fetus (chemical and medicinal compounds, ionizing radiation, intrauterine infections, etc.). However, not all hereditary diseases manifest themselves immediately after birth: for example, signs of Huntington’s chorea usually first manifest themselves at the age of over 40 years. The difference between hereditary and familial pathology is that the latter may be associated not with genetic, but with social or professional determinants.

The occurrence of hereditary diseases is caused by mutations – sudden changes in the genetic properties of an individual, leading to the appearance of new, non-normal signs. If mutations affect individual chromosomes, changing their structure (due to loss, acquisition, variation in the position of individual sites) or their number, such diseases are referred to as chromosomal. The most common chromosomal abnormalities are Down syndrome (trisomy on chromosome 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy on chromosome 18), Klinefelter syndrome (polysomy on the X chromosome in men), Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, cat cry syndrome, etc.

Hereditary diseases caused by mutations at the gene level belong to gene diseases. They can be monogenic (caused by mutation or absence of individual genes) or polygenic (caused by changes in many genes). Among monogenic diseases, there are pathologies with an autosomal dominant type of inheritance (Marfan syndrome, Recklinghausen’s disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, Albright’s disease, etc.), autosomal recessive transmission (phenylketonuria, galactosemia, ichthyosis, progeria) and hereditary diseases linked to gender (hemophilia, phosphate diabetes, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Hunter syndrome, Fabry’s disease).

Polygenic diseases are multifactorial in nature, i.e. a combination of genetic and environmental factors is important in their occurrence. These diseases are often treated as diseases with a hereditary predisposition. This group includes atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, allergic pathology.

Hereditary diseases can manifest themselves both immediately after the birth of a child, and at different stages of life. Some of them have an unfavorable prognosis and lead to early death, while others do not significantly affect the duration and even quality of life. The most severe forms of hereditary fetal pathology cause spontaneous termination of pregnancy or are accompanied by stillbirth.

Thanks to the success of the development of medicine, about a thousand hereditary diseases today can be detected even before the birth of a child using prenatal diagnostic methods. The latter include ultrasound and biochemical screening of the I (10-14 weeks) and II (16-20 weeks) trimesters, which are carried out to all pregnant women without exception. In addition, if there are additional indications, it may be recommended to undergo invasive procedures: chorionic villus biopsies, amniocentesis, cordocentesis. If the fact of severe hereditary pathology is reliably established, a woman is offered an artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons.

All newborns in the first days of their life are also subject to examination for hereditary and congenital metabolic diseases (phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, galactosemia, cystic fibrosis). Other hereditary diseases that are not recognized before or immediately after the birth of a child can be detected using cytogenetic, molecular genetic, biochemical research methods.

Unfortunately, a complete cure of hereditary diseases is currently not possible. Meanwhile, with some forms of genetic pathology, a significant prolongation of life and ensuring its acceptable quality can be achieved. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy is used in the treatment of hereditary diseases. The pathogenetic approach to treatment involves substitution therapy (for example, blood clotting factors in hemophilia), limiting the use of certain substrates in phenylketonuria, galactosemia, maple syrup disease, filling in the deficiency of a missing enzyme or hormone, etc. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of a wide range of medications, physiotherapy, rehabilitation courses (massage, exercise therapy). Many patients with genetic pathology from early childhood need correctional and developmental classes with a speech pathologist and speech therapist.

The possibilities of surgical treatment of hereditary diseases are mainly reduced to the elimination of severe malformations that interfere with the normal functioning of the body (for example, correction of congenital heart defects, non-infection of the upper lip and palate, hypospadias, etc.). Gene therapy of hereditary diseases is still rather experimental in nature and is still far from being widely used in practical medicine.

The main direction of prevention of hereditary diseases is medical and genetic counseling. Experienced geneticists will consult a married couple, predict the risk of offspring with hereditary pathology, and provide professional assistance in making a decision about childbirth.

Noonan Syndrome

Noonan syndrome is a genetic pathology characterized by the development in patients of a symptom complex similar to Shereshevsky–Turner disease, but it occurs in persons of both sexes and is not accompanied by a change in the number of chromosomes. Symptoms of this pathology are small stature, hypertelorism, pterygoid folds on the neck, malformations of…

Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome

Nijmegen breakage syndrome is an extremely rare monogenic disease with an autosomal recessive type of inheritance, which is characterized by primary immunodeficiency, multiple anomalies. Pathology is associated with a mutation of the NBN gene. The main signs of Nijmegen breakage syndrome are: deformity of the facial skeleton in the form of a “bird” face, frequent…

Fragile X Syndrome

Fragile X syndrome is a hereditary disease characterized by persistent intellectual decline, autism spectrum disorders and specific phenotypic features. The key symptom is a lack of cognitive functions. Hyperactivity, lack of communicative abilities, isolation are noted. The face is elongated, the auricles are large, the forehead is protruding, the tip of the nose is curved.…

Muckle-Wells Syndrome

Muckle-Wells syndrome is a hereditary disease from the group of cryopyrin—associated periodic syndromes (CAPS), which occurs due to a mutation of the NLRP3 gene. Pathology is manifested by recurrent fever, skin rashes, progressive hearing disorders. Eye damage and joint inflammation are also often observed. Biochemical and immunological blood tests, genetic testing, instrumental methods (ophthalmoscopy, X-ray…

Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome is an autosomal recessive neuroendocrine disease characterized by obesity, dystrophic lesions of the retina, intellectual disorders. Pathology is also manifested by various deformities of the skeleton, congenital malformations of internal organs, neurological complications. To diagnose the disease, neuroimaging, fundus examination, and a comprehensive laboratory examination are required. Supportive therapy includes medications (nootropics, hormones),…

Leigh Syndrome

Leigh syndrome is a genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease characterized by a variety of metabolic disorders and the formation of components of the central nervous system. Symptoms of this pathology, as a rule, manifest themselves in early childhood, they include muscle hypotension, problems with feeding and delayed psychomotor development. With further progression of the disease, epileptic…

Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a hereditary disease that occurs when there is a violation of purine metabolism, excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body. It develops due to a genetic mutation that causes a deficiency of the enzyme HGPRT. It is manifested by attacks of gout, severe neurological deficiency, self-harming behavior. Diagnosis of the disease…

Crouzon Syndrome

Crouzon syndrome is a rare genetic disease accompanied by progressive deformities of the facial and cerebral part of the skull and craniosynostosis with the development of concomitant disorders. Symptoms of this condition are a change in the shape of the head (brachycephaly, scaphocephaly, trigonocephaly), a hooked nose, hypoplasia of the middle third of the face,…

Crigler-Najjar Syndrome

Crigler-Najjar syndrome is a genetic disease from the class of fermentopathies characterized by a violation of one of the links in the process of neutralization and elimination of bilirubin – conjugation. Symptoms of this condition are jaundice of hepatic genesis and severe neurological disorders that can lead to death even in infancy. Diagnosis is carried…

Cat Eye Syndrome

Cat eye syndrome is a rare genetic disease that is characterized by disorders of the development of the eyes, the facial skeleton, and various anomalies of internal organs. Pathology occurs when there is a so-called additional marker chromosome in the human karyotype. The syndrome is manifested by a pathognomonic triad of signs: coloboma of the…