Andrology is a branch of urology dealing with the preservation of male reproductive health, as well as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male sexual sphere. Today, the problem of men’s health is very acute. Daily stresses, environmental problems, bad habits, irrational nutrition, a huge number of sexual infections have their sad consequences of an increase in the number of male diseases and their negative impact on the reproductive health of men. According to statistics, in almost 50% of cases, the cause of infertility of a couple lies in the male component.

Andrology has existed as an independent medical discipline for only a few decades. The importance of an andrologist for a man’s health is comparable to the importance of a gynecologist for a woman. According to the specifics of its activity, andrology is close to such branches of medicine as urology, endocrinology, venereology, surgery, sex pathology, psychotherapy.

Often men’s problems begin in childhood. So, a childhood infection of mumps transmitted by a boy, in adulthood, can lead to a formidable complication – male infertility. Therefore, andrology takes care of men’s health at all stages of a man’s life: from the period of newborn to old age.

The male sexual system is formed by the penis, scrotum with testicles and their appendages, prostate gland, vas deferens and seminal vesicles. Together, they regulate sexual function in the male body: the production of sex hormones, the formation of sperm and its excretion, the implementation of sexual intercourse.

Among the diseases of the male genital sphere, there are malformations of the genital organs (hermaphroditism, pathology of testicular development, curvature of the penis), inflammatory diseases (balanoposthitis, urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis), tumor lesions (prostate diseases and testicular cancer), genital injuries. All of them, to one degree or another, lead to sexual dysfunction, impaired urination, predispose to the development of androgen deficiency syndrome, in severe cases – lead to male infertility and the impossibility of sexual life.

The scope of andrology also includes the treatment of male sexual dysfunction: impotence, premature ejaculation, decreased libido. A relatively new direction of andrology is plastic genital surgery, which deals with the elimination of cosmetic defects of the male genitals.

Problems and failures in intimate life can ruin the life of any man, destroy family well-being, deprive him of faith in himself and in his masculine fullness.

Therefore, in order to maintain their health, every man should undergo a prostate examination twice a year (which is often compared to the “second heart of a man”) and a sexual infection examination by an andrologist. Such an examination is necessary because often prostate diseases and sexual infections are erased for a long time and they can only be detected when undergoing regular diagnostics.

The possibilities of andrology at the present stage are very great. Today, almost all andrological problems are amenable to successful correction, which means that every man can be active and healthy, despite the years.


Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the glans penis and prepuce. Symptoms are represented by pain, swelling, rashes, accumulation of secretions in the preputial sac. The diagnosis is established during a physical examination, laboratory diagnostics are carried out to determine the cause: microscopy of a smear from the urethra, bacposev for flora and antibiotic sensitivity, PCR…

ureaplasma in men

Ureaplasma in Men

Ureaplasma in men is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract. This disease refers to sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms are usually absent; the most frequent manifestations are fever of varying severity, urinary disorders, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Diagnosis is based on the detection of the pathogen in the scraping of the urethra, urine or prostate…


Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis against the background of infection or other causes. Symptoms include local hyperemia, plaque on the head, swelling, pain, the appearance of cracks and erosions, difficulty urinating. With inadequate therapy, a number of complications can join. Diagnostic methods involve the determination of diseases and factors affecting the development…

Testicular Atrophy

Testicular atrophy is a decrease in the mass and volume of the sex glands, accompanied by a violation of function or its complete cessation. Symptoms depend on the time of occurrence: during puberty, testicular atrophy is accompanied by a violation of puberty, adult men develop erectile dysfunction and infertility associated with androgen deficiency. Diagnostic measures…

Testicular Abnormalities

Testicular abnormalities are a group of malformations of the male reproductive system, in which there are violations of the number (anorhism, monorhism), location (ectopia, cryptorchidism) or structure (hypoplasia) of the testes. The symptoms of the conditions are diverse – from asymptomatic course to severe endocrine disruptions and infertility. Diagnosis is made by physical examination, ultrasound…

Androgen Deficiency

Androgen deficiency is a deficiency of testosterone (male sex hormone) in a man’s body. In adolescence, it is manifested by a delay in puberty and the absence of secondary sexual characteristics. In adulthood, it causes a decrease in sexual desire, erection, and a decrease in hair growth in androgen-dependent zones. Leads to a disorder of…

Angiokeratoma of Fordyce

Angiokeratoma of Fordyce is a special case of vascular dermatosis with the most frequent localization on the skin of the scrotum. The neoplasms are single or multiple, resemble small dark nodules of a purple or reddish hue with a scaly surface. The pathology is asymptomatic, but itching or soreness may be present, which increases after…


Azoospermia is a violation of spermatogenesis characterized by the absence of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid. Depending on the causes, obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia are distinguished. Disease is accompanied by the inability to conceive naturally, and in some cases – with the help of assisted reproductive technologies. Azoospermia is diagnosed during the examination of a…

Prostate Abscess

Prostate abscess is a limited accumulation of pus in the prostate tissues, developing against the background of prostatitis or an infectious-purulent process of extragenital localization. It is manifested by a sharp throbbing pain in the perineum and rectum, intoxication, chills, fever, difficulty urinating and defecation. Diagnosis includes rectal finger examination of the prostate, TRUS, puncture of…

Scrotal Abscess

Scrotal abscess is a encapsulated purulent focus in the tissues of the scrotum. It can be primary or secondary, superficial or intramuscular. It is rare. It develops with atheroma infection, surgical interventions and traumatic injuries, or is a complication of bacterial infection in the testicle and its appendage. Symptoms of scrotal abscess are intense pain,…