Traumatology and orthopedics are closely related branches of medicine. Traumatology studies injuries of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments, joints, muscles and tendons), is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of these injuries. Orthopedics specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of functional disorders and deformities of the musculoskeletal system resulting from disease, injury or congenital malformation.

There is a relationship between traumatology, orthopedics and other medical specialties: sports medicine, prosthetics and medical rehabilitation, including massage, physiotherapy and physical therapy.

The role of traumatology in the modern world is constantly increasing. Every year, car accidents and accidents lead to the deaths of millions of people on Earth. The result of injuries is often long-term disability and deterioration of people’s quality of life.

Most often, damage to the musculoskeletal system occurs during road, household, industrial and sports injuries. The level and severity of the injury depend on the mechanism of injury (features of traumatic effects on the human body).

Traumatology has undergone significant changes in recent decades. Previously, the main methods of fracture treatment were plaster bandages and skeletal traction. Today, various surgical techniques are widely used in traumatology.

The techniques of osteosynthesis (fixation of fractures with intraosseous, skeletal and transosseous structures) are constantly being improved. Carrying out osteosynthesis allows you to shorten the treatment of fractures, avoid dangerous complications as a result of prolonged immobility (bedsores, pneumonia, thrombembolism) and prevent the development of contractures (limitations of joint mobility).

Modern technologies are actively used. The severed fingers are sewn using microsurgical methods. Joint operations are performed using endoscopic equipment. Joint replacement is developing (replacement of a destroyed or damaged joint with a biocompatible prosthesis).

The possibilities of traumatology are constantly expanding. However, recovery from injury is still impossible without the active participation of the patient. During this period, it is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations, develop joints, do therapeutic exercises, etc. Remember: the more time has passed since the injury, the more difficult it is to restore the lost function of muscles, bones and joints.

Traumatology is a branch of medicine that most people encounter only for a short period of time. In contrast, orthopedics, as a rule, deals with chronic diseases that require long-term treatment.

Along with modern surgical techniques, orthopedics widely uses traditional conservative techniques: massage, manual therapy, physical therapy and physiotherapy.

In the treatment of orthopedic diseases, as well as in the recovery period after injuries, the patient’s attitude, his willingness to follow the doctor’s recommendations and make an active contribution to the process of his own recovery is of great importance.
We hope that the section “Traumatology and orthopedics” of the Medical Directory of Diseases of the website “Medic Journal” will help you to get all the necessary information about injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and methods of their treatment.

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