Pathological sensations are various changes in skin and deep sensitivity of a somatic or psychogenic nature. They include such phenomena as itching, burning, tingling, skin chilliness, hot flashes, numbness of body parts, pulsation, heaviness, etc. Pathological sensations accompany dermatological, endocrine, vascular, neurological diseases, therefore, finding out their causes requires examination of the patient by an appropriate specialist. Treatment depends on the primary pathology, can be both conservative and surgical.

Types of pathological sensations

Pathological sensations in various parts of the body occur in almost all diseases. They relate to subjective symptoms, so they can be perceived and described by patients in different ways. There are the following forms of pathological sensations:

  • Itching. It can be caused by exogenous (dermatoses, allergies, dermatitis) and endogenous causes (endocrine, gastroenterological, neurological, mental, autoimmune, etc. diseases). Depending on the prevalence, localized itching is distinguished (genital, anal, scalp, eyelids, etc.) and widespread (involving several parts of the body).
  • Burning sensation. This pathological sensation is often combined with itching, has causes and localization in common with it. However, if itching is temporarily relieved by scratching the skin, then burning, on the contrary, dictates the need for “calming” and cooling the skin.
  • Tingling. The feeling of “prickling with needles” of the skin of the face and head may be associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, various dermatological problems. Unpleasant sensations in the extremities may indicate neuropathy, osteochondrosis, peripheral vascular diseases.
  • Numbness. Loss of sensitivity of various parts of the body – half of the face, tongue, arms, legs – is a very serious sign that can signal a stroke. Usually accompanied by the inability to perform active movements. Also, the symptom occurs with migraines, vitamin deficiency, osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Chilliness. A pathological feeling of freezing of one or another part of the body occurs with hypothermia, obliterating diseases of the peripheral arteries, varicose veins. Cold limbs are a typical complaint of patients with anemia, diabetic neuropathy, hypothyroidism.
  • Hot flashes. Unpleasant sensations are described by patients with the expression “like boiling water.” Hot flashes often accompany endocrine disorders (menopause in women, thyropathies, diabetes mellitus). Fever throughout the body can occur after taking spicy food and alcohol, with VSD, premenstrual syndrome.
  • Heaviness. It can occur in the head, limbs with neurological diseases. The named parts of the body seem to be “filled with lead”, become “cast iron” or “cotton”. Similar pathological sensations in the chest, abdomen occur with pathology of the internal organs of the corresponding localization. The feeling of heaviness is often the equivalent of pressing, bursting pain.

Vaginal Burning

Vaginal burning is mainly found in vaginal lesions (thrush, nonspecific vaginitis, venereal infections). The cause of discomfort may be herpes infection, genital allergy, HPV infection and pathology of the urinary system. Gynecological examination, microscopic and bacteriological analysis of vaginal secretions, instrumental methods (colposcopy, ultrasound, biopsy) are prescribed for the diagnosis of etiological factors of burning.…

Anus Burning

Anus burning is a symptom of most proctological diseases: acute and chronic proctitis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids. The causes of discomfort are often rectal neoplasia, coccygodynia, perianal dermatitis. To diagnose the etiology of unpleasant manifestations, instrumental techniques are prescribed (ultrasound, rectoromanoscopy, anal manometry and EMNG), laboratory tests (coprogram, examination for helminth eggs, histology of biopsies). Microclysms and…

Сhest Burning

Chest burning develops in gastroenterological (ERGE, achalasia of the cardia), cardiological (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), pulmonological diseases (bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary bleeding). The symptom occurs in intercostal neuralgia, as well as as a component of a panic attack. To find out the cause of chest burning, tests are prescribed (hemogram, blood biochemistry, myocardial markers), instrumental methods – ECG…


Burning is a mixed sensation of heat, tingling, itching and painful discomfort on the skin or mucous membranes. Burning sensation of the skin can be accompanied by burns, dermatitis, allergodermatosis, senestopathy. Similar sensations on the mucous membranes of the genitals occur with vulvovaginitis in women, urethritis and balanoposthitis in men. Discomfort in the chest can be a…

Fever Without Temperature

Fever without temperature occurs after taking spicy food and alcohol, with severe stress and excitement, in women during PMS and menopause. The pathological causes of the symptom include VSD and hypertension, thyroid damage, CNS diseases. The examination includes a standard examination by a neurologist, instrumental methods (ECG, EchoCG, EEG, CT of the brain), laboratory tests.…

Sensitive Penis

Sensitive penis can be caused by a genetic predisposition, occurs with balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis, a short frenulum, allergic reactions. It is observed after prolonged abstinence, against the background of hormonal fluctuations in puberty, with emotional overstrain, stress, irritation due to contact with tissue or hygiene products. The reason is established on the basis of the…


Hyperacusis is an increased sensitivity to sounds that other people perceive as having normal intensity. It is observed in injuries, diseases of the labyrinth, neuritis, migraines, multiple sclerosis, amaurotic idiocy, meningitis, and a number of other pathologies. It is diagnosed on the basis of complaints, the results of otolaryngological and neurological examinations, additional studies. Treatment…