Urinary disorders (dysuria) include various disorders of miction: urinary retention or incontinence, pain in the bladder, changes in the amount of urine (oliguria, polyuria), frequent or difficult emptying of the bladder, painful urination, etc. Dysuric disorders are characteristic of diseases of the lower urinary tract (bladder, urethra, prostate gland), systemic diseases. The causes of urination disorders are established using laboratory urine tests, ultrasound, X-ray, CT. Treatment of dysuria is aimed at normalizing the outflow of urine.
General information
Urination is the physiological process of removing urine from the bladder through the urethra into the external environment. Normally, urination is an arbitrary, regulated act. The desire to urinate occurs when there is an accumulation of 150-250 ml of urine in the bladder. Urine is released in a jet, freely, this process is not accompanied by soreness.
The daily diuresis of a healthy person is 1-2 liters, the ratio of daily diuresis to night diuresis is 3:1. The number of daily urination in a healthy person is 4-8 times, at night – no more than one. With any deviations in these indicators, they speak of a violation of urination.
Violations of urination in clinical urology are divided depending on the frequency, the nature of the injection, the amount of urine excreted. All types of urodynamic disorders can be conditionally grouped into the following groups:
- Change in the number of urinations. The number of injections during the day may vary in the direction of increasing or decreasing. Frequent urination (pollakiuria) is observed when drinking large amounts of water, taking diuretics, pregnancy, as well as diabetes mellitus, cystocele, urolithiasis. Rare urination can be caused by dehydration, blood loss, CRF, cirrhosis of the liver, CHF.
- Change in the amount of urine. Both an increase in daily diuresis (polyuria) and its decrease (oliguria) or absence (anuria) are possible. In addition, sometimes the ratio of day and night diuresis changes towards the predominance of the latter (nocturia), delayed urination (opsuria) occurs.
- Pathological sensations during injection. They include pains in the bladder, burning and pain in the urethra. They are characteristic of inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis), concretions, foreign bodies of the urethra.
- Violation of the arbitrariness of urination. It is expressed in the inability to restrain the imperative urge or in the difficulties of arbitrary implementation of the miction. It is represented by urinary incontinence (with omission of pelvic organs, hyperactive bladder, lesions of the brain and spinal cord), obstructed outflow and retention of urine (with prostate adenoma, tumors, urethral strictures), paradoxical ischuria.
- Changing the nature of urination. In this case, the discharge of urine does not occur in a free wide stream, but weak, intermittent, forked, splashing or droplets. Pathological postmictional symptoms include a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urine digging. Similar symptoms are characteristic of BPH, prostate cancer, meatostenosis, etc.
Violations of urination can be accompanied by changes in the qualitative composition of urine (leukocyturia, cylindruria, glucosuria, proteinuria), the appearance of pathological impurities in it (hematuria, pyuria, hiluria). Regardless of the cause, dysuric disorders worsen the quality of life, cause psychological stress, disrupt social and labor activity, and bring discomfort to intimate relationships. To find out the reasons for the violation of miction, it is necessary to visit a urologist.
Opsouria is a pathological condition in which copious urine discharge is observed not in the near future after consuming a large amount of fluid, but after 24 or more hours. It is found in heart failure, portal hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypernatremia, and some endocrine diseases. The cause of opsouria is established on the basis of complaints,…
Nocturia is a nocturnal urge to urinate. It is constantly or periodically observed in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, prostate adenoma, neurological pathologies, heart failure, and some endocrine diseases. It occurs episodically when the regime is violated. The cause of the symptom is established on the basis of complaints, examination results, laboratory and hardware…
Urinary urgency is a sudden categorical intense urge to urinate. It is observed with cystitis, other lesions of the bladder, injuries and diseases of the urethra, neurological pathologies. Accompanies some andrological and gynecological diseases. To determine the cause of the symptom, complaints are collected, an objective examination is carried out, laboratory and hardware techniques are…
Difficulty urinating in men is noted in diseases of the urethra and bladder, prostate damage, some other andrological pathologies and oncological processes. Occurs acutely or develops gradually, usually combined with other dysuric disorders. To determine the cause of miction difficulties, a survey, external examination, finger rectal examination are conducted, hardware and laboratory examinations are prescribed.…
Difficulty urinating in women is observed in urological pathologies, genital prolapse, ovarian tumors, and some other gynecological diseases. It is often supplemented with other variants of dysuria: pain, imperative urges, incontinence. The cause of the symptom is determined by the results of a survey, gynecological examination, imaging and laboratory techniques. Therapeutic measures include drug therapy,…
Painful urination indicates pathological processes in the bladder or urethra. Pains and cuts are accompanied by inflammatory pathologies (urethritis, cystitis), STDs, urolithiasis, tumors and injuries of the genitourinary organs, foreign bodies. Pain may occur before the start of the injection, during urination or after it ends. Urological examination includes urine tests, endoscopic (urethroscopy, cystoscopy), X-ray…
Anuria is a pathological condition in which the amount of urine excreted is less than 50 ml per day. It is detected in acute renal failure of various genesis, at the final stage of CRF, with severe cardiovascular and multiple organ failure, various shock conditions, renal vascular thrombosis, urolithiasis. The cause of anuria is established…