Urology as a field of medical science is engaged in the study of the urinary and related human reproductive system, the physiological and pathological processes occurring in them, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs (urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys, male genitalia). The sphere of interests of urology as a science intersects with other areas of clinical medicine: gynecology, andrology, venereology, nephrology, surgery. A urologist is engaged in the treatment and prevention of pathology of the genitourinary system of men and women.
Urological diseases of men, women, children and the elderly have their own peculiarities of development and course, which is explained by the anatomical, physiological and age characteristics of their organisms. Among the pathology of the male genitourinary system, inflammatory processes (orchitis and epididymitis, urethritis, balanoposthitis, prostatitis, cystitis), prostate adenoma, sexual infections are more common. Female urological diseases are urethritis, cystitis, sexually transmitted infections and their consequences. Both men and women have urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, tumors of the genitourinary organs, chronic renal failure. In childhood, congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system, cystitis and enuresis are more common. In elderly people, urinary incontinence and tumor formations come to the fore among urological problems.
The most common manifestations of diseases of the genitourinary system are disorders of urination (increased frequency or delay), pain in the lumbar region, in the genital area, burning and itching of the genitals, pathological discharge from the urethra, disorder of sexual function, changes in the amount or color of urine, edema.
Diseases of the genitourinary system are by no means harmless. Their consequences lead to the development of chronic foci of infection, impotence, infertility, the need for a donor kidney transplant and even death. For a man, a urologist is as important a doctor as a gynecologist is for a woman. Therefore, regardless of complaints, visits to the urologist should be regular, at least 1-2 times a year.
Modern diagnostic capabilities of urology are very great. Laboratory methods of urine and urethral discharge, ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics, endoscopic (urethroscopy and cystoscopy), instrumental (puncture biopsy, catheterization, augmentation), measuring diagnostic methods (cystometry, urofluometry), etc. are used.
Treatment of urogenital pathology has its own specific features. Since many urological diseases are sexually transmitted, both sexual partners need to undergo appropriate treatment. Diseases of the genitourinary system are an intimate sphere of human life, therefore, the doctor is required to show maximum delicacy and psychological support for patients in their treatment. Urological diseases affect the sexual function of men and women, so their adequate and timely treatment allows you to preserve sexual health and family well-being. Surgical treatment of urological problems can be aimed not only at normalizing the work of the genitourinary apparatus, but also at aesthetic correction, which allows patients to get rid of many psychological complexes.
In the heading “Urological diseases” of the Medical Directory of Diseases on the website “Medic Journal” you will find a description of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system, which will allow you to seek qualified medical care in a timely manner.

Kidney Amyloidosis

Kidney amyloidosis is a manifestation of systemic amyloidosis, characterized by a violation of protein-carbohydrate metabolism with extracellular deposition of amyloid in the renal tissue – a complex protein-polysaccharide compound that leads to organ dysfunction. Pathology proceeds with the development of nephrotic syndrome (proteinuria, edema, hypo- and dysproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia) and the outcome in chronic renal failure.…

Alcoholic Nephropathy

Alcoholic nephropathy is a chronic kidney injury of an inflammatory nature, which is based on autoimmune mechanisms induced by exposure to ethyl alcohol and its metabolites on the body. The severity of symptoms depends on the type of pathology, the asymptomatic course prevails until the development of signs of chronic renal failure, in some forms…

Renal Adenocarcinoma

Renal adenocarcinoma is a renal cell carcinoma originating from the epithelium of the renal tubules. Manifestations are lower back pain, hematuria, kidney enlargement, anemia, cachexia. The tumor may metastasize to the lungs, paracaval and paraaortic lymph nodes, bones, liver, adrenal glands, and the opposite kidney. Pathology is diagnosed during ultrasound of the kidneys, cystoscopy, intravenous…

Kidney agenesis

Kidney agenesis is a malformation of the urinary system, consisting in the congenital absence of one or two kidneys. Isolated unilateral anomaly is asymptomatic, sometimes accompanied by secondary arterial hypertension. With bilateral agenesis, anuria develops, the newborn dies in utero or shortly after birth. The anomaly is diagnosed according to prenatal ultrasound of the fetus,…

Kidney abscess

Kidney abscess is a complication of pyelonephritis, which is an intrarenal infection process limited by a pseudocapsule. Symptoms are variable, including pain in the lumbar region, fever, hemodynamic instability, pronounced manifestations of intoxication. Diagnostics is based on the determination of pathogens in blood and urine culture cultures, kidney CT, ultrasound examination. Conservative treatment – massive…