Products that will save the pancreas

The entire digestive system of the body depends on the smooth operation of this organ. In addition, the pancreas produces hormones that regulate carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Of course, prevention is always easier than treatment, which can be lifelong. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fatty foods, alcoholic…

What will happen to the body if you eat prunes every day

Dried plum fruits of different varieties literally consist of vitamins and trace elements. Moreover, their concentration in prunes is much higher than in fresh fruits. Therefore, experts recommend using it for medicinal purposes. With constipation Many people know about the laxative properties of prunes. For people suffering from constipation, these fruits are held in high…

The 29 Best Immune Boosting Foods

Despite the active immunization of the population against Covid-19, the virus continues to spread actively. Unfortunately, there are no products that could prevent infection. However, if you correctly approach the composition of the diet, you can strengthen the immune system and help it resist any disease. For example, as in the epidemic of influenza, and…