What is the Bone Marrow Responsible for

Bone marrow is a spongy soft tissue contained inside most of the bones of the human skeleton. Sometimes it is confused with the spinal cord, but these tissues have nothing in common with each other. The spinal cord is located in the spine and performs conduction and reflex functions. The first is the transmission of…

Why does a sedentary lifestyle harm the heart?

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle is not the most useful for maintaining good health. But in what cases can a person be called sedentary, by what criteria to check whether he leads a “sedentary” life and how serious is the danger of inactivity for cardiac activity? Let’s look into these issues together. What is…

Is Cancer Hereditary ?

Is cancer hereditary? This question worries many people, in whose family history there have been cases of cancer. Cancer is a genetic disease and all its forms, without exception, arise as a result of a mutation in the DNA of a cell. Some have a hereditary etiology. But it is important to understand that only…

thick blood

What does Thick Blood Mean and Is It Dangerous

Everyone knows that blood is a liquid substance that fills the vessels of our organisms. But sometimes you can hear such a seemingly strange phrase as “thick blood”. What does it mean? Some time ago, in the post-Soviet countries, it was very fashionable to “treat” blood clots with leeches. At the same time, such patients…

Why Laughter is the Best Medicine

Many have heard that laughter prolongs life. But is there any scientific evidence that the manifestation of joy has a beneficial effect on human health and well-being, or is it just another myth?  Why should we laugh It is clear that life without humor becomes gloomy and contributes to stress, and stress can cause almost…

Blood Donation: Pros and Cons 

Even in the most ancient times, people realized that large blood losses are fraught with death. In our time, transfusion is perceived as the most common medical procedure. But mankind went to this knowledge by a long way of trial and error. There was a time when our ancestors even drank the blood of animals,…

Top Strange Diseases You Didn’t Know About

Swine and bird flu, ebola, zika. The names of these diseases at one time got into the headlines of almost all publications. But there are thousands of people living in the world suffering from no less terrible diseases, which many have never even heard of.  Alien Hand syndrome  The story about this syndrome may well…

What is Lymph Dysfunction and Why Does it Occur

According to some experts, about 140 million people on the planet suffer from stagnant lymph. Other researchers claim that this figure is much higher. Whatever it was, but people often do not even realize that they have this problem. More precisely, a person understands that something is wrong with the body, but does not associate…