Gynecology is a field of clinical medicine that studies anatomical features, physiological processes occurring in a woman’s body during various periods of life, as well as diseases of the female genital sphere, methods of their recognition, prevention and treatment. Therapy and prevention of gynecological diseases is a concern not only for women’s health, but also for motherhood, the health of future generations. In this regard, the indisputably important social importance of gynecology as a science and as a clinical discipline.

The task of gynecology is to protect a woman’s health throughout her life. In recent years, some gynecological diseases have become “younger”, therefore, pediatric gynecology is developing, studying the anatomical, physiological and pathological features of the child and adolescent organism. Obstetrics studies the physiology and pathology of the female body during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Gynecological endocrinology deals with the problem of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, menstrual function disorders and issues of the menopausal period.

Sometimes even the most insignificant deviations in female physiology can have a significant impact on a woman’s body. For their part, infectious, endocrine, nervous and other diseases can provoke diseases of the female genital sphere. Therefore, the treatment of gynecological diseases sometimes requires the involvement of other medical specialists: a mammologist, a urologist, a venereologist, an oncologist.

It’s no secret that a woman’s health is the key to her family and maternal happiness, as well as a full sexual life. Therefore, in modern gynecology, prevention of diseases of the female genital sphere, issues of contraception and family planning play an important role. Preventive examination by a gynecologist 1-2 times a year should become the norm of behavior for every woman.

The use of modern and reliable methods of contraception makes it possible to exclude the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, and, accordingly, its artificial termination. A conscious and attentive attitude to her health will help a woman avoid many gynecological diseases and in the future experience the happiness of having healthy and full-fledged children.

Gynecological diseases can be divided into several groups: inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, etc.); diseases caused by hormonal changes (menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids, etc.); dystrophic, hyperplastic and tumor diseases (leukoplakia, kraurosis, cervical erosion, ovarian cysts, etc.). Each disease has its own clinical manifestations, but the most characteristic symptoms of many women’s diseases are abdominal pain, pathological discharge from the genital tract, menstrual function disorders.

Modern methods are widely used in the diagnosis of women’s diseases today: laboratory, ultrasound, endoscopic, laparoscopic, allowing to recognize the disease in its initial phase and timely carry out the necessary treatment.

The gold standard of gynecology assumes that even a woman who feels completely healthy, at least 1 time a year should undergo ultrasound of the pelvic organs, ultrasound of the mammary glands and take a cytological smear.

Creating a Medical directory of diseases on the website “Medic Journal”, we sought to provide you with the most complete information, including about existing gynecological diseases, prevention and control measures.

Medical science and practice does not stand still. Currently, new methods of healing previously considered incurable female ailments are emerging. The handbook of women’s diseases provides information on the latest methods of treatment of the most common women’s diseases.

Tubal Pregnancy

Tubal pregnancy is a pathology of gestation characterized by implantation of the fetal egg in the fallopian tube. Manifestations depend on the term and option of termination of pregnancy. The disease may be asymptomatic or accompanied by pain syndrome, bloody discharge from the vagina, internal bleeding of varying severity. The diagnosis is established on the…

Thrombophilia During Pregnancy

Thrombophilia during pregnancy is an anomaly of the blood clotting system, which often leads to thrombosis during gestation. The main symptoms of thrombophilia are thrombophlebitis, acute arterial and venous thromboembolism, vascular plexus lesion. As a result of pathology, there is often a violation of fetal blood flow and damage to the placenta. The main methods…

Ovarian Vein Thrombosis

Ovarian vein thrombosis is a partial or complete obturation of the lumen of the venous vessel of the ovary by a blood clot. It is manifested by hyperthermia, painful sensations on the right or left lower abdomen, local abdominal tension, sometimes hematuria. It is diagnosed using CT of the pelvic veins, transvaginal ultrasound, color Doppler…

Trichomoniasis in Women

Trichomoniasis in women is a specific inflammatory lesion of the organs of the urogenital tract due to infection with vaginal trichomonas. In acute cases, infection is manifested by copious fetid foamy discharge from the vagina, itching in the vulva, cuts and pains in the vagina and urethra, frequent urination. With torpid and chronic course, the…

Genital Trauma in Girls

Genital trauma in girls are injuries to the external and internal genitals that have arisen as a result of mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation and other influences. They are manifested by pain, bleeding, hematomas, edema, deformity of organs. To make a diagnosis, examination data, vaginoscopy, pelvic radiography are used, supplemented with microbiological examination if necessary.…

Pregnancy Toxoplasmosis

Pregnancy toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the penetration of T.gondii into the body of a pregnant woman. In most cases, this pathology is asymptomatic, less often accompanied by a flu-like symptom complex. Diagnosis includes serological examination with the determination of IgM and IgG, ultrasound examination of the fetus and amniocentesis followed by PCR…

Toxicosis During Pregnancy

Toxicosis during pregnancy is a pathological condition associated with pregnancy, complicating its course and ceasing after the end of gestation. According to the time of occurrence, early and late during pregnancy are distinguished. Early toxicosis during pregnancy is accompanied by hypersalivation (salivation), nausea, vomiting. Diagnosis of early toxicosis is based on complaints of a pregnant woman;…

Ovarian Teratoma

Ovarian teratoma is a germinogenic tumor of the ovary containing tissues atypical for this organ, which are derivatives of germ leaves. It can be mature or immature. It usually proceeds asymptomatically or malosymptomno. It is manifested by bursting pains in the lower abdomen, violations of urination and defecation, less often – an increase in the…

Tecalyutein Ovarian Cyst

Tecalyutein ovarian cyst is a retention formation of ovarian tissue, represented by atresized follicles with a layer of tecalyutein cells. The appearance of a tecalyutein cyst, as a rule, is associated with trophoblastic disease or drug hyperstimulation of ovulation. A tecalyutein ovarian cyst can cause discomfort in the pelvic region; with a rupture or twisting…

Breech Baby

Breech baby is the longitudinal location of the fetus in the uterus with legs or buttocks facing the entrance to the pelvis. Pregnancy with breech baby often occurs under the threat of termination, gestosis, fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, birth trauma. Diagnosis is performed using external and vaginal examination, echography, Dopplerography, CTG. Treatment of pelvic presentation…