
Alcoholism is a disease in which there is a physical and mental dependence on alcohol. It is accompanied by an increased craving for alcohol, an inability to regulate the amount of alcohol consumed, a tendency to binge drinking, the appearance of a pronounced withdrawal syndrome, a decrease in control over one’s own behavior and motivations,…

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Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a complex of pathological symptoms that occur in alcoholics when they refuse to drink alcoholic beverages. It resembles a hangover in its manifestations, but differs from it in a number of additional signs, including duration. Develops only in patients with stages 2 and 3 of alcoholism, in the absence of alcohol…

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Alcoholic Epilepsy

Alcoholic epilepsy is a group of pathological conditions in which convulsive or non-convulsive seizures associated with alcohol consumption are observed. It develops more often in patients with alcoholism. Sometimes it occurs with one-time alcoholic excesses in people who do not suffer from alcohol addiction. It belongs to the group of symptomatic epilepsies. It can be…

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Alcoholic Polyneuropathy

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is a multiple lesion of peripheral nerves in alcoholism. Usually occurs in the late stages of alcoholic illness. It is accompanied by muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders and ataxia. Excessive sweating is possible. Edema, changes in temperature and coloration of the distal extremities are often observed. In some cases, mental disorders occur. Develops gradually,…

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Alcoholic Delirium of Jealousy

Alcoholic delirium of jealousy is a chronic metal-alcohol psychosis characterized by the predominance of ideas of adultery. Develops gradually, can remain unnoticed for a long time for others. It is accompanied by the formation of a system of delusional ideas that gradually lose touch with reality more and more. Patients can monitor their spouse, make…

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Nicotine Poisoning

Nicotine poisoning is a pathological condition caused by an overdose of nicotine and its derivatives. The condition occurs when smoking a large number of cigarettes in a short time, accidentally ingesting tobacco products, using electronic cigarettes. Intoxication is manifested by respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, a consistent change of psychomotor agitation and depression of consciousness. Specific…

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Alcoholic Encephalopathy

Alcoholic encephalopathy is a lesion of brain cells as a result of alcohol consumption. It usually develops at the end of stage II – beginning of stage III of alcoholism, although an earlier onset is possible. It can occur acutely or chronically. It is accompanied by mental, somatic and neurological disorders. It is characterized by…

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Surrogate Alcohol Poisoning

Surrogate alcohol poisoning is intoxication caused by the use of ethyl alcohol containing various impurities, or other monatomic and polyatomic alcohols. It usually occurs in patients suffering from alcoholism. Poisoning with alcohol surrogates can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperthermia, convulsions, loss of vision. Psychosis and acute renal failure may develop. There is a…

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Grace and beauty cannot be separated from health.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The medical Directory of diseases that you see in front of you is an electronic encyclopedia containing the most complete updated information about various human diseases.


It includes a detailed description of more than 4,000 nosological units. It reflects both the most “popular”, common diseases, and those whose systematized information is not presented in almost any online publication.

The structure of the medical directory is built in such a way that you can find the disease of interest in the alphabetical rubricator, the corresponding section or through the search bar. The description of each disease contains a brief definition, classification, information about the causes and mechanisms of development, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and prognosis. Such a clear unification of articles, according to the authors of the online publication, will allow the reader of the medical directory of diseases to get the most comprehensive information, on the one hand, and not “get lost in the wilds of medical labyrinths” – on the other.

To date, the content of the medical directory of diseases consists of 30 independent sections, two of which (“Aesthetic problems” and “Cosmetic problems”) are related to the field of Beauty, and the rest represent Medicine itself. This close symbiosis of aesthetics and health gave the name to the whole site – “Medic Journal”.

On the pages you can get comprehensive information about women’s, nervous, children’s, skin, venereal, infectious, urological, systemic, endocrine, cardiovascular, ocular, dental, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, ENT diseases. Each section of the medical directory of diseases corresponds to a certain clinical direction (for example, Women’s diseases – Gynecology, Children’s diseases – Pediatrics, Dental diseases – Dentistry, Aesthetic problems – Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic problems – Cosmetology, etc. d.), which allows the user to switch from the description of the disease to information about diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Articles published in the medical directory of diseases are written by practicing medical specialists and undergo a thorough preliminary check before publication. All reviews are written in an accessible popular science language that does not distort reliable information, but also does not allow to descend to the level of populism. Additions and updates occur daily, so you can be sure that you receive the most reliable and up-to-date information from the world of medicine.

The universality of the medical directory of diseases lies in the fact that it will be useful to a wide range of Internet users who are faced with a particular health problem. The medical directory of diseases is a doctor who is always at your fingertips! At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that the information presented here is for informational purposes only, does not replace the face-to-face consultation of a specialist doctor and cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

“Praemonitus praemunitus” – “Forewarned means armed,” the ancients said. Today, this winged Latin saying is as relevant as possible: everyone needs to take care of themselves and their health. Health is the only non-transitory fashion and the greatest luxury that is incommensurable with any earthly goods. To be healthy means to be successful, to know the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, to live a long and active life.

Health and beauty are inseparable; moreover, beauty is a reflection of the healthy state of the body. After all, in order to have perfect skin, a slim figure, luxurious hair, first of all, you need to take care of your physical and mental health.

We hope that the medical directory of diseases will become for you a reliable and understandable guide to the vast world of medicine.

Health to you and your loved ones!
Sincerely, the team of Medic Journal