Sciatic bone x-ray is a method of radiographic examination of the bone and surrounding tissues to obtain black-and-white images. It is used to visualize the sciatic bone, its location and internal structure, relationships with other pelvic bones, partly allows you to judge the state of the pelvic organs. It is used in the diagnosis of sciatic bone fractures, neoplasms, more often of a metastatic nature, but including primary bone tumors. It is prescribed in the preoperative period and after surgery to assess the effectiveness of treatment. It is performed on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting. Independent preparation for the planned procedure is required.
Category: Trunk Bones X-ray
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Author: Artur Kh.
General Practitioner. Work experience in medicine - 7 years. I consider it necessary to constantly educate myself and improve my skills, I adhere to the principles of evidence-based medicine in my work, I am guided by the well-known rule "Do no harm". My credo in life is "If you want to do something well, do it yourself."