There are foods that are highly discouraged to eat on an empty stomach. Vitamins and trace elements contained in them bring invaluable benefits to the body, but only if they are combined with other products, otherwise you can “eat” a lot of health problems.
“Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy” – this popular expression is the basis of proper nutrition during the day. The first meal performs 2 main tasks – it charges us with energy and starts the digestive system. Therefore, a lot depends on choosing the “right” products for breakfast. The same applies to moments when the rhythm of the day did not allow you to eat properly, and the stomach requires at least something. But this “something” can do a lot of harm. We present a selection of foods that do not need to be eaten on an empty stomach.
Marketers who use calls to satisfy their hunger with a chocolate bar in advertising should be recognized as the worst enemies of our health. After all, sweet, once in the stomach, causes a powerful release of insulin, which is a direct blow to the pancreas. Only she was in a state of complete rest, when suddenly an instant transition to emergency operation is required from her. With such fluctuations, she will not stay in a normal state for a long time, and frequent consumption of sweets on an empty stomach will become a direct road to diabetes.
Citrus fruits
A glass of orange juice in the morning or a couple of tangerines instead of lunch? Maybe it’s aristocratic, but it’s definitely not healthy. Citrus fruits are useful only if they are used as a dessert, but not instead of food. They stimulate the production of acid in the stomach. If you use them on an empty stomach, the consequence will be heartburn, stomach pain, or even the onset of gastritis.
Being strong allergens, citrus fruits on an empty stomach can turn into unpleasant rashes, even if you do not suffer from allergies.
Yogurt, fermented milk products
Yogurt for breakfast or kefir instead of lunch will not do any harm, but they will also do no good. The acid in the stomach kills all the beneficial bacteria almost instantly. Therefore, fermented milk products are much more useful either in combination with other products, or as a second breakfast when the digestive system is already busy processing.
Sweet pastries
What could be better for breakfast than a fresh muffin? A bowl of porridge is better, because yeast can provoke increased gas formation in the stomach.
Tomatoes and cucumbers
Eating a salad of fresh vegetables on an empty stomach is fraught. In raw form, vegetables are digested slowly, and if a sufficient amount of gastric juice has not yet been developed – very slowly. While the body begins to break down the acids included in the vegetables, a favorable situation for the occurrence of heartburn will already be created. In addition, tomatoes are rich in tannic acid, which, when in contact with gastric juice, increases the acidity of the medium so much that it can lead to ulcers.
There are a lot of nutritionists arguing about bananas. On the one hand, they are useful even on an empty stomach, because they contain a whole complex of trace elements and vitamins. But, on the other hand, a high magnesium content puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, those who have problems with the work of the cardiovascular system should refuse bananas on an empty stomach.
Cold drinks
Cold liquid slows down the digestive processes, so if you really want to drink some water in the morning or before dinner, let it be at room temperature.