Of course, it is impossible to cure a cold with tea, but it is quite possible to alleviate its symptoms. Some herbal drinks can relieve sore throat and make other unpleasant signs of the disease less pronounced.
Tea during a cold: what is the benefit
The cause of ARVI is the ingestion and reproduction of viruses in it that parasitize the respiratory tract. The common cold, as a rule, does not pose a danger to humans. In most cases, recovery comes within 7-14 days. The most common signs of ARVI are:
- sneezing;
- runny nose;
- nasal congestion;
- headache;
- sore throat;
- cough;
- muscle pain;
- fever.
A hot drink will help the patient to warm up and slightly ease his condition. Contrary to popular belief, drinking hot liquid does not speed up recovery. Nevertheless, tea with ARVI can also not be called useless. Under the influence of hot mucus in the respiratory organs becomes less viscous and is more easily excreted. In addition, tea is a great way to protect yourself from dehydration. Dehydration reduces the body’s ability to resist viruses.
What teas to drink to relieve the symptoms of a cold
The list of herbal teas useful for acute respiratory viral infections is very extensive. We will list only those whose beneficial effects have been scientifically proven.
The use of chamomile tea helps to strengthen the immune system, in particular, increases the body’s resistance to viruses that cause ARVI. Scientists have established this fact for a long time. In the dried flowers of the plant, researchers found a large number of terpenes and flavonoids, which have medicinal properties.
In oriental medicine, ginger is one of the most popular natural medicines. The root of this plant contains more than a dozen different useful substances that give it healing properties. Ginger tea is also useful during colds. It relieves sore throat and nasal congestion. Not so long ago, researchers were able to find scientific confirmation of this. The effectiveness of ginger in the treatment of various forms of pharyngitis and tonsillitis of viral and bacterial etiology has been proven. All this is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.
Green tea
Many people know this drink as one of the best sources of antioxidants. But with ARVI, it is also very useful. It turned out that a drink made of green tea leaves relieves cough. In addition, experimental studies have shown that the catechins contained in the plant are effective against some viruses that cause colds. But using this drink for treatment, do not forget that it contains caffeine, so drinking it before going to bed is a bad idea.
Natural remedies based on echinacea have been known for a long time in folk medicine in Europe and North America. Nowadays, the plant is of particular interest to researchers. Like any other hot drink, echinacea tea helps with nasal congestion, and also contains substances with antiviral action.
Drinking elderberry teas will help reduce the duration of a cold, and also relieves respiratory symptoms. And this statement is not groundless. In 2019, while studying the beneficial properties of berries, experts found substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in them. Their use will strengthen the immune system, and therefore increase resistance to viruses.
The chemical composition of mint is very diverse, due to which this plant has many useful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant. Thanks to them, mint is considered a good choice for maintaining the immune system fighting colds. Experts continue to study how peppermint affects the human body. But there is reason to believe that it helps strengthen the immune system, prevents cell mutation and is useful for the cardiovascular system. And drinking hot mint tea with nasal congestion helps to ease breathing.
Tea with milk: is it worth drinking with ARVI
Most herbal teas during a cold are only beneficial, as they are able to alleviate the signs of the disease. However, for many years there have been discussions in the scientific community about whether it is worth drinking tea with milk when you have a cold. Some experts were categorically against such drinks, arguing that milk activates the production of mucus, thus aggravating the symptoms of ARVI. But not so long ago, this theory was refuted and milk tea was also included in the list of drinks recommended during a cold.
What else will help alleviate the symptoms of ARVI
Natural remedies are not able to fully replace medical treatment, but it is possible to alleviate the symptoms with their help. For example, lemon juice mixed with warm water reduces sore throat. Drinks with honey added are a good way to calm a strong cough. But it is worth considering that honey is contraindicated for children under 1 year old. Steam inhalations dilute mucus in the lungs and nose, thereby facilitating their excretion.
According to research results, taking probiotics during a cold will help reduce its duration by about a day. They contribute to a faster course of acute respiratory viral infections and irrigation of the nasal mucosa using salt water. If a cold is accompanied by severe muscle pain, you can take ibuprofen or paracetamol, and nasal drops will relieve swelling and thereby facilitate breathing. But nasal drops should not be used for longer than a week, as they can cause addiction and the opposite effect in the form of constant nasal congestion.
When should I see a doctor
In most cases, the cold goes away on its own and you can do without a visit to the doctor. But if the symptoms worsen or are of an unusual nature, it is worth seeking medical help. Alarm signals indicating that it’s time to go to the doctor: the symptoms of ARVI persist for 3 weeks or longer; the symptoms do not improve; chest pain and difficulty breathing appeared; sputum from the throat or nose has an uncharacteristic color; fever lasts for a long time. But still, in most cases, a cold does not require complex treatment, and herbal teas will help alleviate its symptoms.