Trichology (“the doctrine of hair” from Greek. trichos – hair, logos – science) is a highly specialized section of dermatology that studies the structure, growth, diseases and protection of hair and scalp. The separation of trichology into a separate branch of medical knowledge testifies to the importance of the tasks that it is designed to solve. Trichology as an independent science is still so young that the specialty “doctor-trichologist” is still rare in medical practice today. However, more and more people with hair problems prefer to contact a professional trichologist.
The human body is covered with three types of hair: fluffy (on the body), long (on the head, in the armpits, on the pubis, in men on the face) and bristly (eyelashes, eyebrows, hair in the nose and ears). First of all, they perform a barrier function, protecting other organs (eyes, nasal passages, ears, etc.) from infection and foreign bodies. Covering almost the entire body (except for the lips, palms and soles of the feet), the hair retains heat, protecting the body from hypothermia.
Hair has always been given special importance in the appearance of a person. According to the hairstyle and the length of the hair, it was possible to judge not only the attractiveness of a man or woman, but even such social definitions as social status, position, religion, nationality, etc. Historical information confirms the non-trivial significance of the presence or absence of hair on the head, the length and shape of the hairstyle, hair color for the evaluation of a person by society.
The relevance of this aspect is not only not lost, but is even more evident in modern society, when external signs of physical health are associated with success and well-being in life. Healthy, shiny, without signs of dandruff and brittle hair indicate excellent health. Baldness, hair loss, dull color, dryness and fragility of hair, on the contrary, say the opposite.
Hair is not an independent organ, but is an appendage of the skin, and their condition, first of all, is directly dependent on the condition of the skin. All processes occurring in the human body are interconnected, and the slightest malfunction in the immune, hormonal systems, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, psychological problems affect the appearance of the skin and the condition of the hair.
Trichology, which currently has the most advanced methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, is designed to resist various manifestations of hair fatigue, various pathologies leading to their partial or complete loss.
A trichologist in determining the diagnosis often faces a psychological problem of his patient, which is either the cause of the disease or its consequence.
Perhaps, as in no other field of medicine, trichology has a very high assessment of the hereditary factor affecting the condition of the hair and the possible development of a particular pathology. In this regard, treatment by a trichologist is always strictly individual, with the selection of medical techniques that are most effective in each case.
On the website “Medic Journal” you will receive comprehensive information about known forms of hair diseases, published in the Medical Directory of Diseases, about measures to prevent and eliminate baldness and hair loss, phenomena of scalp seborrhea, get acquainted with the rules of care for different types of hair and restoration of their natural strength.
Madarosis is the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes caused by the destruction of hair follicles. The clinical picture is determined by the underlying disease. The most frequent concomitant manifestations: itching, burning. To make a diagnosis, visual examination, biomicroscopy, skin biopsy, microscopy of samples and laboratory tests are performed. Conservative therapy is reduced to the use…
Oily hair is an increased greasiness of the hair caused by excessive activity of the glands of the scalp. Despite frequent shampooing, oily hair looks greasy, oily, untidy and even dirty; it sticks together in separate strands, does not hold styling. The problem requires a professional approach to solving with the involvement of a specialist-trichologist,…
Hypertrichosis is excessive hair growth on any parts of the body, including those where hair growth is not caused by the action of androgens. Unlike hirsutism, which is observed only in women, hypertrichosis is diagnosed in both sexes in different age categories. The cause may be congenital mutations caused by various adverse effects on the…
Hair loss is a physiological or pathological process. Pathological hair loss leads to their uniform thinning, partial or complete absence in limited areas or total baldness. The causes can be a lack of vitamins and trace elements, side effects of medications, hormonal and infectious diseases, stress, heredity, improper hair care. Often, the elimination of these…
Hair abnormalities are pathologies of the hair follicle and the shaft that disrupt the growth, structure and function of the hair cover. The main causes are considered to be infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy and genetic determinism. Anomalies are manifested by brittleness, twisting, thinning, loss, change in the condition of the hair. The…
Androgenetic Alopecia is a progressive loss of hair on the head caused by atrophy of the hair follicles under the influence of male sex steroids. It occurs in both men and women. Initially, diffuse thinning and thinning of the hair occurs, then the formation of bald patches and, finally, complete baldness of the frontal-parietal zone.…
Alopecia (baldness) is a progressive hair loss that leads to baldness of the head or other hairy areas of the skin. There are diffuse alopecia (thinning and thinning of hair throughout the head), focal (the appearance of foci of complete absence of hair), androgenic (male-type, associated with the level of male sex hormones in the…