Weight Fluctuations

Weight fluctuations are small changes in body weight in the direction of increasing or decreasing, occurring in a short time. Often, weight jumps are caused by natural factors: errors in the diet, fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Among the pathological prerequisites for weight changes, renal and cardiovascular diseases are distinguished. To verify the cause of…

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Neck Pain

Neck pain (cervicalgia) is pain of various nature and intensity that occurs in the cervical region. The symptom is accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of numbness in the back of the head or arm, local redness and swelling of the skin. The neck can hurt with infectious and inflammatory diseases of this area, injuries and…

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Pain in the Temples

Pain in the temples occurs with migraine, arterial hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, injuries, intoxication syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis, pheochromocytoma, cluster headache and tension headache. Pain can be prolonged, paroxysmal, acute, dull, pulsating, pressing, shooting, aching, burning. The reason is established according to the survey, examination, laboratory and instrumental techniques. Treatment – analgesics, anticonvulsants, glucocorticoids,…

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Pain in the Upper Jaw

Pain in the upper jaw is provoked by injuries, purulent processes, ganglioneuritis, some dental and otolaryngological diseases, tumors, pathologies of the masticatory muscles, temporal arteritis. It can be weak, intense, constant, short-term, pressing, aching, jerking, shooting, bursting. The cause of the symptom is established on the basis of complaints, examination data, visualization methods, laboratory tests.…

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Upper Abdominal Pain

Upper abdominal pain (epigastrium) develops in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: intestinal infections, gastritis and peptic ulcer, pathologies of the pancreatobiliary zone. There are extra-abdominal causes, which include lower lobe pneumonia, intercostal neuralgia, lesions of the abdominal aorta and its branches. For diagnostic purposes, a complex of instrumental studies (ultrasound, radiography and CT, endoscopy)…

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Aching Joints

Aching joints are unpleasant aching, pulling sensations in the area of articular joints, the intensity of which sometimes reaches the degree of pain. The symptom is combined with muscle aches, weakness, bruising, crunching, limited movements and may precede joint pain (arthralgia). Joint pain is accompanied by lesions of the musculoskeletal system, infections, diseases of the…

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Headache is an unpleasant or painful sensation of varying intensity, covering the entire head or part of it. It can be prolonged, paroxysmal, dull, acute, pulsating, bursting. It is observed in migraines, provoked by vascular disorders, injuries, increased intracranial pressure, infections, intoxication and other causes. The etiology of cephalgia is established on the basis of…

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Lethargy is a subjective feeling of lack of vigor and energy, accompanied by a decrease in working capacity and loss of interest in familiar activities. Often, malaise occurs under the influence of external factors: fatigue, overeating, excessive coffee consumption. Symptoms are also caused by pathological causes — endocrine and neurological diseases, mental disorders. To clarify…

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