Mental disorders are pathological conditions accompanied by a violation of the perception of reality, behavioral disorders, deviations in the volitional, emotional and mental sphere. They can be exogenous (caused by somatic diseases, injuries and stressful situations) or endogenous (genetically determined). Psychiatrists, psychotherapists and medical psychologists are engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and study of mental disorders, in some cases – in cooperation with narcologists, neurologists, therapists, traumatologists and doctors of other specialties.


Anorgasmia is the absence of orgasm with sufficient sexual stimulation. It is manifested by the impossibility of sexual discharge, the rare onset of sexual satisfaction or the occurrence of orgasm only in the presence of special conditions. The diagnosis is established on the basis of complaints and anamnesis of the disease. To clarify the somatic…


Anosognosia is a clinical phenomenon consisting in the denial, ignoring or underestimation of the patient’s disease. With this disorder, patients do not recognize the presence of health problems, refuse treatment, do not realize the consequences of such behavior. Anosognosia is diagnosed by psychological methods: using questionnaires, conversations, clinical interviews. The causes of pathology are clarified…

Amotivation Syndrome

Amotivation syndrome is a psychopathological symptom complex characterized by flattening of affect, apathy, passivity. Occurs with alcoholism, cannabinoid addiction, schizophrenia. In patients, the level of motivation decreases, intellectual abilities weaken, fatigue increases rapidly. Diagnostics is carried out by methods of conversation, observation, experiment. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, restoring the motivational component…


Amentia is a severe confusion of consciousness, accompanied by a violation of orientation in place, time and one’s own personality, loss of the ability to synthetic perception, pronounced confusion, incoherent thinking, speech and movements. It can occur against the background of some mental disorders, alcoholism, severe traumatic lesions, infectious, endocrine and somatic diseases, indicates a…


Allotriophagy is a type of eating disorder characterized by an irresistible desire to taste, eat something inedible or raw foods that require heat treatment. It is manifested by eating charcoal, chalk, clay, wood, sand, soil, ice, tooth powder, small metal objects, raw dough, minced meat, cereals. The disorder develops with hormonal changes, deficiency of trace…


Agoraphobia is a complex phobia that manifests itself in the form of fear of open spaces, large crowds of people, crossing wide streets and squares, staying in places that cannot be left quickly and unnoticed by others, etc. It occurs as a result of fears related to people and emotional traumas received in the process…


Abulia is a psychopathological syndrome characterized by a lack of will. Accompanied by the inability to perform arbitrary actions, the need for which may be realized. Patients do not feel the desire to be active, are unable to meet basic needs: they cannot eat, drink water, perform hygiene procedures on their own. Diagnostics includes observation,…