Calcaneus x-ray is a method of studying this bone structure using X-rays to obtain black-and-white images. It is used to visualize the heel bone, study its internal structure and relationships with neighboring bones, as well as to display the talus and other bones of the foot. It is used to detect cracks and fractures, infectious and inflammatory processes. It is carried out to determine the density of bone tissue and clarify the height of the arch of the foot. The study is carried out natively, without special training. Calcaneus x-ray is more often performed on an outpatient basis. Depending on the capabilities and diagnostic purposes, the examination can be performed lying down or standing with an emphasis on the area under study. The procedure can be combined with arthrography.
Let’s consider cases when calcaneus x-ray can be prescribed:
- A foot injury in the heel area. The causes are diverse – an injury at work, a sports injury, a fracture, and so on.
- Severe pain in the heel area. It manifests itself mainly in the morning or after a nap, when a person gets up after some time of rest and leans on his heel.
- Pain in the heel area when walking.
- Altered gait (shift of the center of gravity to the fingers).
- Suspicion of the development of joint diseases – arthritis, arthrosis.
- Suspicion of the presence of inflammatory diseases of bone tissue – osteomyelitis, etc.
- Suspicion of malignant and benign osteoarticular neoplasms.
X-rays are prescribed as the primary diagnostic procedure when the task is to identify the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is also carried out to monitor the condition of the calcaneus, which was previously fractured – doctors look at how correctly and quickly the bone tissue is fused. With the help of X-rays, it is possible to trace the dynamics of various diseases of the heel bone and evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
What shows
With the help of an X-ray, the integrity of the calcaneus is evaluated first of all. Then its shape and location in relation to other bones of the foot are analyzed. When detecting fractures of the heel, their localization and orientation are studied. If the fracture is comminuted, it is important to assess how the fragments are located, whether there is any displacement. In the picture, neoplasms on the heel bone can be visualized quite clearly. In this case, their size and localization are evaluated, after which a conclusion is made about the possible nature of the deviation.
Calcaneus x-ray in case of a fracture or other pathologies can be carried out without any preparation. The main thing is that there are no metal objects on the foot during the study. To protect against excessive X-ray exposure, the patient’s body is covered with special lead aprons. Only the area of interest, the foot, is subjected to research.
Methodology of conducting
An X-ray photo of the calcaneus can be performed in various projections.
- Direct x-ray. To shoot in a direct projection, the patient needs to lie on his back on the table of the X-ray machine. The legs bend at the knees, and the feet rest on the table.
- X-ray with load. The load on the heel bone occurs when a person is standing. Accordingly, in order to perform radiography with a load, the patient needs to stand up and transfer weight to the foot.
Immediately after the shooting, the images appear, the radiologist proceeds to decipher. An X-ray allows you to find out the cause of pain, determine the nature of the pathological process. For an accurate interpretation of the result, the doctor can compare pictures of healthy and sick heels. When a plantar fasciitis disease is detected (the so-called heel spur), the specialist gives a detailed description of the image, where he notes the presence of osteophyte, indicating its length and localization. Usually osteophytes in the image are visible in the projection of the upper edge of the posterior tuberosity of the talus bone.
Calcaneus fracture symptoms
The first thing a patient complains about when the calcaneus is fractured is pain. It can occur in motion or persist in a state of rest. During examination, edema may be detected that extends to the Achilles tendon. Also among the symptoms of a fracture there are: flattening and expansion of the heel, a hematoma in the center of the sole. During palpation at the site of injury, the patient feels a sharp pain. In the standing position, he cannot lean on the injured foot.