Ultrasound of the wrist joint – ultrasound examination of articular surfaces, joint cavity and its contents, nearby neurovascular bundles and tendons. It is used to identify and evaluate the activity of inflammatory processes in case of suspected rheumatic joint damage and to determine the dynamics of the disease during treatment. It is prescribed for injuries and tumors of the periarticular soft tissue structures, to establish the cause of compression of peripheral nerves at the joint level. It can be supplemented by a study of the joints of the hand.
Ultrasound of the wrist joint does not require special preparation. There is no need to limit the amount of food or water consumed. It is enough to simply stop injecting any injections into the joint. Five days after the termination of injection manipulations, the procedure can be performed.
Methodology of conducting
According to strict clinical indications, during ultrasound, the patient is in a sitting position opposite the specialist. Depending on the area under study, the hands are either with the back side or the palm on the knees.
When performing ultrasound of the wrist joint, sensors with high resolution from 10 to 15 MHz are used. Also, during the procedure, a special scanning technique is used, which allows you to avoid an incorrect diagnosis. Anisotropy in the tendons can be overcome with the help of competent control of the ultrasonic beam. Without much difficulty, you can assess the condition of the vessels with the help of a Doppler.
It is customary to start scanning from the area of the wrist fold. Thus, it becomes possible to obtain slices of structures that need to be studied. Functional tests allow us to assess the location of the tendons. Palm examination visualizes information regarding tendon flexors, medial and ulnar nerves.
The interpretation of the results of ultrasound of the wrist joint is handled exclusively by the specialist who leads the patient and is sufficiently familiar with his medical history and anamnesis.
The most common pathology of the wrist joint is considered to be tenosynovitis. Rheumatoid arthritis contributes to the development of this diagnosis. The presence of tenosynovitis on ultrasound is displayed as an effusion in the synovial sheath of tendons. The synovial membrane usually thickens abnormally. The chronic form involves the involvement of a tendon in the pathological process, which threatens to tear in the future. It is much more difficult to determine the tenosevitis of small tendons. The only symptom is an increased level of echogenicity of the bone phalanx. Experts believe that in this case it is necessary to compare it with a symmetrical phalanx of fingers.
Rupture of the tendons of the wrist joint in medical practice is slightly less common. Diseases such as arthritis, diabetes mellitus, disorders of the bone system, etc. can provoke such injuries. The most common in this group of injuries is the separation of the extensor tendon of the finger from its base. Such an injury is caused by a sharp flexion of the finger, although the tendon body is in the phase of active contraction.