If mothers show increased rigor in communicating with their children, then their likelihood of falling into depression increases. And all because the mother’s cry rebuilds their brain, as researchers from the University of Munster in Germany have found.
German researchers have stated that strict and often screaming mothers increase the risk of their children developing depression later in life. With their screams, they seem to rewrite their brains. This became known after over 1,100 teenagers answered questions about their parents. For example, about how strict they were, how often they were punished, about what they were not allowed to do, and how often parents made children feel guilty and shouted at them.
Based on these answers, 23 young people were selected whose parents adhered to a strict, rigid or manipulative parenting style. Their mothers were called excessively strict and authoritarian, although during the surveys the children were also asked about their fathers.
Children of overly strict parents have been found to have changes in the activity of many different genes that could make them less able to cope with life’s troubles. Previous studies have already linked these genetic changes with an increased risk of depression in older age. So maternal strictness is a sure way to violations of the child’s mental health.