The entire digestive system of the body depends on the smooth operation of this organ. In addition, the pancreas produces hormones that regulate carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
Of course, prevention is always easier than treatment, which can be lifelong. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fatty foods, alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, pastries. Also, do not get carried away with unprocessed vegetables and fruits, sweets and fast food. All these products, in principle, negatively affect the general condition of the pancreas.
What should be included in your diet on a regular basis?
Buckwheat porridge crushed in a blender without oil, salt and sugar will compensate for the lack of carbohydrates without harm to health, the amount of which is recommended to be reduced in case of any problems with the pancreas. In addition, buckwheat reduces inflammatory processes in the cells of the pancreas.
These berries stimulate the pancreas well, neutralize inflammation, and have a positive effect on bile secretion. However, blueberries should be consumed only processed, ground and without sugar. Tea made from blueberry leaves will also be an excellent option.
This cabbage, best steamed, will help protect the tissues and secretory cells of the pancreas from the negative effects of gastric juice, and minimizes inflammatory processes.
Carrot and beet juice should also be included in your menu. As for protein foods, first of all you need to remember that lean meat or fish must be boiled or steamed.