Scientists from the UK, representing the Institute of Inflammation and Aging in Birmingham, found that vitamin D promotes rapid recovery after severe burns. In particular, experts concluded that vitamin D supplements accelerate the healing of the skin after burns, prevent the development of infections and scarring.
During the year, British researchers observed a group of 38 patients with burns: scientists monitored how the condition of the subjects changed depending on the level of vitamin D in their body. It turned out that if the body contained a lot of vitamin D, people’s wounds healed faster, and the scarring process was less pronounced. Taking vitamin D can be a simple, safe and economical way to restore health after getting burned,” the authors of the project commented on their finding.
According to scientists, this vitamin has antibacterial properties that allow it to effectively fight infections – this makes it a “super drug” for damaged skin. If you give a person vitamin D immediately after injuring the skin, he will have more chances of a speedy recovery without unpleasant consequences, they say.
Earlier, representatives of science spoke out that insufficient vitamin D causes a tendency to diseases during the season of respiratory infections and influenza, and vice versa – taking this vitamin reduces the risk of infection with them. At the same time, doctors warn that excessive consumption of this vitamin negatively affects human health.