Burning is a mixed sensation of heat, tingling, itching and painful discomfort on the skin or mucous membranes. Burning sensation of the skin can be accompanied by burns, dermatitis, allergodermatosis, senestopathy. Similar sensations on the mucous membranes of the genitals occur with vulvovaginitis in women, urethritis and balanoposthitis in men. Discomfort in the chest can be a symptom of GERD, angina pectoris, neurological diseases. To establish the etiology of the symptom, dermatovenerological, allergological examination, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are carried out. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the nosological principle.
General characteristics
Symptoms according to the subjective perception of most people, is characterized as a feeling of local heat with tingling and tingling. Usually accompanied by local hyperemia, soreness and itching, may be supplemented by the formation of rash elements (papules, bubbles), peeling, wetness of the skin. Burning causes a desire to cool, soothe irritated skin, sometimes – to scratch the site of the lesion, which often leads to an aggravation of symptoms. In some cases, the pathological sensation is manifested by discomfort pain in one or another part of the body.
Causes of skin burning
The superficial sensation of the discomfort of the skin occurs against the background of dermatological, allergic diseases, thermal and chemical injuries, common diseases occurring with the skin syndrome. The main causes of skin burning include:
- insect bites;
- skin burns: solar, chemical, electric;
- skin infections: dermatitis, dermatomycosis, impetigo, herpes;
- dermatoses: atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria;
- senestopathies: with hysterical neurosis, Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome;
- autoimmune diseases: scleroderma, SLE.
Causes of burning in the chest
Burning soreness in the epigastrium or chest may indicate damage to the digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. A burning sensation in the chest is accompanied by:
- gastroenterological diseases: reflux esophagitis, stomach ulcer;
- CHD: angina attack, myocardial infarction;
- bronchopulmonary pathology: dry pleurisy, pneumonia;
- neurological syndromes: intercostal neuralgia, myositis.
Causes of burning in the anogenital area
Discomfort of the skin and mucous membranes in the anogenital zone more often has an allergic or infectious genesis. The symptom increases after urination, defecation and sexual intercourse, accompanied by unbearable itching, hyperemia and swelling of tissues, the appearance of pathological secretions. The causes depend on the localization of the symptom:
- burning sensation in the anus: worm infestations, hemorrhoids, anal fissure;
- burning in the intimate area in women: thrush, other vulvitis and vulvovaginitis, genital herpes, irritation of the mucous membranes as a result of the use of sanitary pads, lubricants, hygiene products;
- burning sensation in the intimate area in men: balanoposthitis, nonspecific urethritis, STDs.