Fungal infections are a group of diseases based on infection of the skin, mucous membranes, nails, hair caused by pathogenic fungi. Common manifestations are peeling, wetting, inflammatory skin phenomena, flaking of scales, severe itching, thickening and changing the structure of the skin, nails, hair. When combing – the addition of secondary infection and suppuration. Diseases are contagious, significantly reduce the quality of human life, causing physical and psychological discomfort, cosmetic problems. A generalized fungal lesion of the whole organism may occur.
General information
Fungal infections are a group of skin diseases, the causative agents of which are filamentous fungi, infection occurs through contact with a sick person or with objects seeded with spores; some fungal diseases are caused by saprophytic microflora, which is pathogenic with a decrease in the protective functions of the body.
Keratomycoses are fungal infections in which fungi are localized in the stratum corneum and do not affect the skin appendages, keratomycoses are usually low-contagious. These include diseases such as pityriasis, erythrasma and actinomycosis.
Bran–like or multicolored lichen is one of the most commonly diagnosed fungal skin diseases. It is clinically manifested in the form of pinkish-brown spots with a slight bran-like peeling. It is localized on the skin of the neck, chest, back and shoulders, no inflammatory reactions from the altered skin are observed. It is diagnosed in adolescents and middle-aged people. Increased sweating contributes to infection with this and other fungal infections. The lesions have scalloped outlines and a tendency to merge due to peripheral growth. Affected by this fungal infections, the skin is not able to pass the harmful ultraviolet light for microorganisms. On tanned skin, you can see the upper layer of the dermis peeling, under which a secondary leukoderm develops. Usually the peak of relapses occurs in the spring. Pityriasis is diagnosed by clinical manifestations and by means of a sample with iodine – when the lesion is lubricated, the scales acquire a more intense color. To confirm the diagnosis and exclude other fungal infections, a scraping study is carried out. The fungus affects the mouths of the follicles, and therefore it is not possible to achieve a complete cure.
Ointments containing terbinofin and intraconazole with prolonged use eliminate the symptoms of multicolored lichen, but therapy should be comprehensive, it is recommended to avoid wearing someone else’s clothes, carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene during treatment, and during periods of remission use cosmetic preparations with antifungal effect.
Actinomycosis is a chronic fungal skin disease, its causative agent is a radiant fungus, widespread in nature on cereal plants, therefore, people working in mills, agricultural complexes and bakeries are at risk. Internal organs may be affected if the spores of the radiant fungus fall through the mouth. The skin and tissues affected by the fungal infections are infiltrated, the infiltrate is dense, prone to peripheral spread, granulations can be observed along the edges. The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture and microscopy, if necessary, a bacteriological study is carried out.
Therapy of actinomycosis should be complex, since this type of fungus causes not only fungal skin diseases, but also affects internal organs. Antibiotic therapy after sensitivity determination, irradiation of affected areas, transfusion of blood components and, in extreme cases, surgical excision of tissues are indicated. Personal hygiene, using only one’s own combs and hats, washing hands and body after contact with animals, as well as the treatment of diseases that reduce immunity, are the only prevention of keratomycosis.
Dermatophytosis is a chronic fungal skin infections with a lesion of the epidermis, in connection with which an inflammatory reaction from the skin is observed. The most common fungal infections of this group are trichophytia, microsporia, favus and mycoses of the feet (epidermophytia).
Trichophytia caused by an anthropophilic fungus causes superficial lesions, and zoophilic trichophytia manifests itself in an infiltrative-suppurative form. The source of infection is sick people, animals and objects seeded with fungal spores.
This fungal infections is characterized by limited rounded lesions on the scalp, there is brittle hair and slight peeling of the skin. In children, trichophytia usually passes by the period of puberty, adults are more likely to suffer from chronic forms. Middle-aged women are at risk. Hypovitaminosis, endocrine disorders also increase the likelihood of disease in contact with the pathogen. Trichophytia affects the scalp, smooth skin and nails.
Microsporia is a fungal skin disease, clinically similar to trichophytia, externally manifests itself in the form of intersecting rings of bubbles, crusts and nodules, if the scalp is affected by microsporia, then the foci tend to transition to smooth skin. Itching and other subjective sensations are absent.
Microscopy shows the mycelium of the fungus, changes in the skin and hair characteristic of fungal lesions, but it is impossible to differentiate microsporia from trichophytia. If accurate differentiation is necessary, then cultural diagnostics are resorted to.
Usually, the treatment of fungal infections from the group of dermatophytes is carried out by mycologists or dermatologists in a hospital. Antifungal drugs such as Fungoterbin, Exifin are shown, the drugs are taken daily until the first negative microscopic examination, and then they switch to maintenance doses. The hair in the lesions is shaved and treated with iodine tincture, and at night applications are made with sulfur-salicylic ointment.
Favus is a fungal disease affecting the skin, scalp, nails and sometimes internal organs. The contagiousness of this fungal disease is average, mainly children and women suffer, family foci of infection are most often observed.
Clinically manifested by the appearance of a scutula around the hair, the scutula is a yellowish crust with a saucer–shaped depression, the skin in the lesion is hyperemic. Over time, the scutules merge and form a single crust with an unpleasant musty smell. The hair grows dull and thin. With a prolonged course of the fungal disease, hair loss and postfavous baldness are observed. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations and cultural examination.
In the treatment of favus, a good effect is given by course treatment with modern antifungal drugs – ketoconazole, terbinafine, itraconazole, the course of treatment is at least a month, the dosage is selected based on the severity of the lesion. The hair in the lesion is shaved off, Salicylic ointment is used as applications for the night to soften the scutules. In the morning, the scalp is treated with iodine solutions.
Fungal foot diseases are widespread. The risk group includes people with excessive sweating of the legs, neglecting personal hygiene, athletes and visitors to saunas, swimming pools, public beaches. Dryness of the skin of the feet, a tendency to crack, wearing rubber shoes and endocrine disorders contribute to the development of fungal diseases, since healthy intact skin is less sensitive to infection. With the erased form of fungal diseases of the feet, there is a slight peeling, redness and itching in the interdigital folds, after contact with water, the symptoms may increase. In the absence of treatment, the arches of the feet are involved in the process and a squamous form of fungal foot diseases is diagnosed. The skin thickens, numbness appears, sometimes hyperemia, patients complain of itching and burning.
With dyshydrotic forms of fungal diseases of the feet, mainly the arches of the foot are affected, tense large bubbles with a dense film appear, painful erosions do not heal in the places of the opened bubbles, the skin around the affected area is swollen and hyperemic, pain and itching are clearly pronounced. When in contact with water, cutting pains.
The interiginous form of fungal diseases is manifested by maceration, eroded cracks of different depths, pain and itching. With rubromycosis of the feet, the affected skin is dry with mucoid peeling, the skin pattern is pronounced, the lesions have scalloped outlines.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations, a patient’s survey and, if necessary, a cultural analysis is carried out to identify the exact type of fungus.
Treatment of fungal diseases of the feet depends on the pathogen, the affected area and the severity of the process. Long-term use of antifungal drugs, with rubromycosis, itraconazole, terbinafine are taken in long courses. Medical treatment of the feet is carried out with antifungal ointments. For the treatment of skin and nails, an alternation of antifungal ointments and cooling lotions is shown, in the absence of erosions, solutions of iodine and fucarcin are used. Additionally, laser treatment of fungal diseases of the feet is prescribed.
Following the rules of personal hygiene, washing your feet after visiting saunas, swimming pools, beaches, fighting increased sweating, wearing cotton socks and shoes according to the season is the only prevention of fungal foot diseases. Since healthy and clean skin is a natural barrier to microorganisms and mycotic cells.
Skin candidiasis
Candidiasis is a fungal disease of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. The causative agent is the yeast-like fungus candida, a human saprophyte, which, with a decrease in the protective functions of the body, begins to actively multiply. The risk group includes children, senile people and those with immunodeficiency conditions.
Candidiasis fungal diseases of the skin of the corners of the mouth most often occur in people with a lower bite and hypersalivation. Fungal diseases caused by candida fungus can develop only in the presence of favorable conditions, this is high humidity and a warm environment. Clinically, candidiasis congestion is manifested by light maceration and the presence of a white plaque, when removed, you can see a smooth, reddened, eroded surface. The process is bilateral in nature and rarely goes beyond the folds of the corners of the mouth.
Candidiasis of the skin is localized in the folds, it is more common in people with excess body weight, prone to sweating and in children in violation of hygiene rules. The affected area is bright red, has clear borders, moist, covered with a white coating on top, epidermis detachment is possible on the periphery.
The exclusion of sweet foods, muffins and simple carbohydrates from the diet is an important point in the treatment of candidiasis. Taking prolonged antifungal drugs such as fluconazole gives a good therapeutic effect. Ointments with clotrimazole are applied topically. In addition, it is necessary to treat intestinal dysbiosis and normalize the immune system.