Pet Therapy – Animal Treatment

Pet therapy is a popular technique used in psychotherapy and rehabilitation medicine. As a rule, dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs or fish are resorted to for medicinal purposes. The purpose of such therapy is to accelerate the recovery of a patient with physical, mental or psychological disorders. Some particularly popular variations of zootherapy have received…

Sexual Education

That’s the way life works: some are born as boys, others as girls. They grow up, reach puberty and can reproduce their own kind. Nature, in an effort to ensure population growth, has arranged for men and women to be attracted to each other.  Possible health consequences  So, sexual desire is natural. However, everyone should…

Ornithotherapy: When Birds can Replace a Doctor

Tired of all kinds of “chemistry”, modern man is increasingly turning to nature for help. Every year, the number of people who prefer organic food and the principles of locavorism (eating foods produced in the immediate vicinity of the place of residence) is growing. And people are increasingly looking for medicines against all kinds of…

Posner-Schlossman Syndrome

Posner-Schlossman syndrome is a paroxysmal benign hypertension of the eye. Characteristic signs of the disease: blurred vision, sudden increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) and the appearance of corneal precipitates. For the diagnosis of the disease, tonometry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, perimetry, electronic tonography are indicated. For immediate relief of signs of hypertension, beta-blockers are prescribed. Pathogenetic…

Nutrition During Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the leading methods of treating oncological tumors. This procedure involves intravenous administration of special drugs that destroy cancer cells and inhibit their growth. The main disadvantage of chemotherapy drugs is their low selectivity with respect to cells and tissues. Unfortunately, such treatment affects not only cancer cells, but also healthy ones,…

What is the Danger of Sleep Deprivation

How does most of us feel after a sleepless night? Tired, irritable and, as if, “out of place.” But a night’s sleep lasting less than the recommended 7-9 hours makes a person not just distracted and nervous. The consequences of chronic sleep deprivation are much more serious and can cause a variety of health problems:…

Epilepsy Treatment

Epilepsy treatment is medicinal and other means designed to relieve the symptoms of the disease and influence the cause in order to eliminate the acute manifestations of this pathology. For different types of epilepsy, different medications and their combinations are used. In 70% of cases, epilepsy can be effectively treated with medications that help control…

Sleep Disorders: Types, Causes, How To Fight

According to experts, about 30% of people suffer from various sleep disorders. The most common problem is insomnia. Almost half of the adult population of the planet has encountered it at least once, and 10% of people have a chronic problem. But insomnia is only one of the possible sleep disorders. There are actually a…

What Do Swollen Eyelids Say

Swollen eyelids are not just an aesthetic problem, but a signal about disorders in the body. In some cases, swelling on the eyelids does not pose a threat to health and it is easy to eliminate them even at home. But sometimes the eyes can swell so much that you can’t do without medical help.…

Anhedonia: Why Nothing Pleases Anymore

It would seem that a person has everything that one can only dream of, but he does not feel any joy from it. Is it depression, apathy or anhedonia? If depression is a state of depression and depression, apathy is complete indifference and indifference to everything, then anhedonia is an inability to experience the pleasure…