Venereology as a field of medical science studies sexually transmitted infections (STIs): their clinic, diagnosis, treatment methods and prevention. Currently, the term “sexually transmitted diseases” has given way to a broader concept – sexually transmitted diseases (infections) (STDs, STIs). Today, sexually transmitted diseases occupy one of the first places in terms of prevalence, second only to colds. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be infected by anyone – regardless of gender, age and nationality.
STDs include classic pentaborane (syphilis, gonorrhea, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis, soft chancre, venereal granuloma) and other genital infections (viral infections: HIV, human papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus infection, genital herpes; urogenital infections: candidiasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, ureaplasma infections, trichomoniasis; parasitic infection, molluscum contagiosum, pubic lice, etc.).
Often the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases is engaged in other medical disciplines that are closely related venereology: dermatology, gynecology and urology.
The mucous membranes of the genitals, urethra, and anus are an ideal environment for the habitat and reproduction of bacteria, viruses, and fungi with high adaptability. With the blood flow and lymph flow, the pathogens of venereal diseases spread to other organs and tissues. Untimely treatment, self-medication lead to advanced forms of STDs, often to generalized damage to the body.
Complications of sexually transmitted diseases in both men and women often lead to dangerous and tragic consequences: the development of chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary sphere, infertility, disorders of sexual function, oncological diseases.
In addition, STDs increase the likelihood of HIV transmission between sexual partners.
Often, sexual infections occur obliterated, without pronounced symptoms, becoming aggravated only with a decrease in immunity. Therefore, after any accidental unprotected sexual contacts (vaginal, oral, anal), it is necessary to be examined by a venereologist for the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections.
Alertness and an immediate visit to a venereologist should cause the appearance of the following symptoms: the presence of pathological discharge from the genitourinary tract, sensations of itching, pain, burning and pain in the urethra, rashes on the trunk and in the genital area, enlarged lymph nodes. In addition, the detection of STIs in one of the sexual partners should serve as a reason for the examination of the other.
To date, most sexually transmitted diseases are curable.
Modern tactics of STD diagnosis and treatment are based on the use of specific and highly effective methods of laboratory diagnostics (DNA and PIF diagnostics, bacteriological and microscopic studies), diagnostic procedures (urethroscopy, cystoscopy, colposcopy, ultrasound) and complex treatment (local, antibacterial, immuno-enzyme, physiotherapy).
Timely treatment of STIs will help prevent the development of complications, significantly reduce the time of cure, and help avoid relapses of the disease.
Sexually transmitted diseases are a serious psychological and social problem. Often in the minds of ordinary people they seem to be something shameful, condemned by society. Remember – there are no shameful diseases. Leave prejudices and take care of your health and the health of your closest people in a timely manner. Regain the joy of a full life.