Gynecology is a field of clinical medicine that studies anatomical features, physiological processes occurring in a woman’s body during various periods of life, as well as diseases of the female genital sphere, methods of their recognition, prevention and treatment. Therapy and prevention of gynecological diseases is a concern not only for women’s health, but also for motherhood, the health of future generations. In this regard, the indisputably important social importance of gynecology as a science and as a clinical discipline.

The task of gynecology is to protect a woman’s health throughout her life. In recent years, some gynecological diseases have become “younger”, therefore, pediatric gynecology is developing, studying the anatomical, physiological and pathological features of the child and adolescent organism. Obstetrics studies the physiology and pathology of the female body during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Gynecological endocrinology deals with the problem of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, menstrual function disorders and issues of the menopausal period.

Sometimes even the most insignificant deviations in female physiology can have a significant impact on a woman’s body. For their part, infectious, endocrine, nervous and other diseases can provoke diseases of the female genital sphere. Therefore, the treatment of gynecological diseases sometimes requires the involvement of other medical specialists: a mammologist, a urologist, a venereologist, an oncologist.

It’s no secret that a woman’s health is the key to her family and maternal happiness, as well as a full sexual life. Therefore, in modern gynecology, prevention of diseases of the female genital sphere, issues of contraception and family planning play an important role. Preventive examination by a gynecologist 1-2 times a year should become the norm of behavior for every woman.

The use of modern and reliable methods of contraception makes it possible to exclude the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, and, accordingly, its artificial termination. A conscious and attentive attitude to her health will help a woman avoid many gynecological diseases and in the future experience the happiness of having healthy and full-fledged children.

Gynecological diseases can be divided into several groups: inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, etc.); diseases caused by hormonal changes (menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids, etc.); dystrophic, hyperplastic and tumor diseases (leukoplakia, kraurosis, cervical erosion, ovarian cysts, etc.). Each disease has its own clinical manifestations, but the most characteristic symptoms of many women’s diseases are abdominal pain, pathological discharge from the genital tract, menstrual function disorders.

Modern methods are widely used in the diagnosis of women’s diseases today: laboratory, ultrasound, endoscopic, laparoscopic, allowing to recognize the disease in its initial phase and timely carry out the necessary treatment.

The gold standard of gynecology assumes that even a woman who feels completely healthy, at least 1 time a year should undergo ultrasound of the pelvic organs, ultrasound of the mammary glands and take a cytological smear.

Creating a Medical directory of diseases on the website “Medic Journal”, we sought to provide you with the most complete information, including about existing gynecological diseases, prevention and control measures.

Medical science and practice does not stand still. Currently, new methods of healing previously considered incurable female ailments are emerging. The handbook of women’s diseases provides information on the latest methods of treatment of the most common women’s diseases.

Abdominal Pregnancy

Abdominal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fetal egg is implanted not in the uterus, but in the abdominal cavity. Risk factors are inflammatory diseases of the appendages, operations on reproductive organs, prolonged use of the intrauterine device, genital infantilism, pelvic tumors, endocrine disorders and stress. According to its manifestations before complications, abdominal pregnancy…

Asthma During Pregnancy

Asthma during pregnancy is an atopic bronchospastic respiratory disease that occurred during gestation or existed earlier and can affect its course. It is manifested by attacks of characteristic suffocation, unproductive cough, shortness of breath, noisy wheezing. It is diagnosed using physical examination methods, laboratory determination of markers of allergic reactions, spirography, peak flowmetry. For basic…

Extramammary Paget’s Disease

Extramammary Paget’s disease is a slowly progressive malignant neoplasia affecting the area of the external female genitals. It is characterized by the appearance of limited, slightly convex edematous or dense areas of predominantly red color in the area of the labia majora, remaining unchanged for a long time or slowly growing and accompanied by itching. Lesions…

Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy

Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy is a laboratory—determined pathological condition during gestation, in which repeated examination of urine with a break of 24 hours or more makes it possible to identify the same microorganism in the assays in a titer of 100,000 CFU/ml. There are no clinical symptoms. The disorder is diagnosed using a general urinalysis, bacteriological…

Female Infertility

Female infertility is manifested by the absence of pregnancy for 1.5 – 2 years or more in a woman who lives a regular sexual life, without the use of contraceptives. There are absolute infertility associated with irreversible pathological conditions that exclude conception (anomalies in the development of the female genital sphere), and relative infertility that…

Pregnancy with a Single Kidney

Pregnancy with a single kidney is a gestation that occurred in a woman with an undeveloped or removed kidney. With the normal operation of the remaining organ, there are no specific symptoms. In the presence of disorders, the condition is manifested by changes in the volume and color of urine, morning facial edema, lower back…

High–Risk Pregnancy

High–risk pregnancy is a gestational process in which the probability of illness or death of the mother, fetus, newborn is higher than in the population. It can manifest itself by bleeding from the genital tract, signs of gestosis (edema, increased blood pressure) or proceed asymptomatically until the development of severe pathologies in a pregnant woman,…


Bartholinitis is an inflammatory disease of a large gland located at the entrance to the vagina. Uncomplicated forms do not lead to a deterioration of the general condition and a decrease in working capacity, are accompanied by minor pain and swelling in the labia, scanty discharge, a slight increase in temperature. The diagnosis is usually…

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infectious non–inflammatory lesion of the vagina, in which the normal flora is replaced by polymicrobial associations of conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis occurs against the background of immune disorders, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, menstrual cycle disorders, prolonged use of the intrauterine device, haphazard administration of antibiotics and hormonal drugs.…

Autoimmune Oophoritis

Autoimmune oophoritis is a pathological destruction of the ovaries caused by exposure to antiovarial antibodies. It is manifested by disorders of menstrual function (oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea), primary and secondary infertility. When the disease is combined with inflammatory processes, patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen. Gynecological ultrasound, determination of the content of sex hormones, antiovarial…